Accelerating uptake of LPG in Maputo for lower income households: Study to support scoping of an intervention
The rising costs of charcoal will create acute financial distress for households in the short term, thus ‘quick-win’ solutions are necessary. Read More...
Thousands of woman and children in Mozambique die because of cooking, however, this can change.....
To access the first edition please click here: Tourism Observatory
Also follow Up Editions 2 and 3.
This paper deals with one of the most important challenges that are faced by tourism destinations in both, developing and developed economies: how to make tourism attend the long term interests and needs of different stakeholders, while stills attend to short term market demands. In this paper, we will see that to achieve this complex equilibrium, it is imperative to count on good governance.
The paper reflects on the importance of the processes of tourism policy development and destination management being truly participatory, and on management tools that may stimulate multi-sectorial collaboration, since these practices are basic elements to achieving equity and inclusive development.
Cleaner Cooking in the Markets of Maputo
During 2013, SNV and CleanStar work together to formulate a Proof of Concept that
could leverage multi-stakeholder support for the development of an improved
cooking solutions market in Mozambique.
This article presents the results of the experience of informal food vendors using ethanol as alternative to traditional charcoal.
VIGNATI, Federico; ATANASSOV, Boris. Cleaner Cooking in the Markets of Maputo. SNV-Mozambique. 2013.
3 Things to Learn from the Mozambique Biomass Households Energy Needs
A brief presentation on Biomass Energy done in November 15th at the IPAD Mozambique "Infrastructure Partnership for African Development"Dowload the presentation here:
I'ts Time for Gas: why this is the ideal moment to introduce gas at the BOP in Maputo City?
This brief article brings in market facts that support the ideia that gas should be an available solution for low income families in Maputo. The findings of this article has been used by the Maputo Municipality as reference to support private sector engagement in this niche market.
Mozambique Biomass Energy Overview: from a theory of change to impact on the ground.
This document presents and overall analysis of the Mozambican charcoal economy, providing a systemic analysis of key issues based on updated information from the BEST-MOZ analysis and from SNV-MOZ studies conducted in the south of Mozambique.
Este documento oferece uma abordagem ampla sobre o cenário de educação
internacional no Brasil, indicando a complexidade envolvida na mobilidade
estudantil, oferece uma análise detalhada sobre a competitividade do mercado
brasileiro assim como recomendações que podem alavancar o melhor desempenho do
This paper describes how the SNV Value Chain Analysis provides a solid base for establishing Tourism Destination Development Approach as a useful framework to promote knowledge based dialogue and multi-stakeholders collaboration, looking forward to unseal tourism contribution to economic development and poverty alleviation in Maputo City. The authors hope that this experience will inspire similar approaches in other destination areas.
[1] Clusters: here understood as geographic agglomerations of formal and /or informal businesses operating in the same sector and through which synergies can be achieved for local pro-poor tourism development.
O presente estudo resulta de uma iniciativa da SNV e de uma ampla coordenação e colaboração do Ministério do Turismo (Mitur), Governo da Cidade, Município, Associação de Hotéis do Sul de Moçambique- AHSM, CEDARTE, ICC, e do Programa de Indústrias Criativas das Nações Unidas.
Neste documento, titulado de Estudo da Cadeia de Valor da Cidade de Maputo, se apresenta uma analise das atividades econômicas que integram a cadeia de valor do turismo na cidade de Maputo, e mais especificamente, se revela como o total das receitas derivadas desta atividade se distribuem na economia local, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do setor privado e conseqüentemente com a geração de oportunidades de trabalho, rendimento beneficiando varias camadas da sociedade e em particular aos mais pobres.
In this article the author offers a conceptual approach about tourism clusters and their applicability in the context of planning local development interventions. The clusters framework brings in a relevant reflection on how to address economic and non economic aspects of local economic development, bringing in a territorial perspective to development planning.
This article brings in an overall analysis of systemic framework for analysis of tourism clusters. The framework was develop with the purpose to support, local tourism development planning, offering an integrated perspective between: local structures (social, public & private), land use, environmental issues and cultural management and the market.
Vignati, Federico. (2010) Modelo para análise de clusters turísticos. SNV Netherlands Development Organization ( Mozambique).
Inhambane Integrated Development Approach
This case study describes the innovative mainstream approach used by SNV Mozambique to link the tourism sector closer to the local economy and basic service provision. It also examines how the tourism economic development can be made more pro-poor and subsequently involve and increase the income and well-being of local people. SNV works with a large cluster of diversified actors representing the private and public sectors, associations, local NGO’s and informal groups. Building confidence between the groups, facilitating networking activities and building platforms are essential SNV activities. The process is on-going since early 2007 with the first tangible results starting to show in the second quarter of 2008.
Este artículo intenta alertar a la comunidad académica sobre la importancia de realizar investigaciones de base técnico-científica que tengan como objeto de investigación el fenómeno del turismo sexual, teniendo como objeto de estudios tanto a la demanda como a la propia oferta.
El objetivo es proponer que se amplie el conocimiento de este fenomeno contemporaneo una vez que aparentemente, este podria tener implicaciones directas en la perdida de competitividad y sostenibilidad de un destino turístico.
Vignati, Federico (2005). El turismo sexual y sus influencias en el desarrollo turístico sostenible. II Coloquio Doctoral Internacional, ESADE: Barcelona.
No texto que se segue deve ficar ilustrada a importância da prática e da fi-losofia cooperativa para o desenvolvimento de estruturas com maior potencial de sucesso na atividade turística. A análise enfatiza a integração entre os setores público, privado e so-ciedade civil organizada. Para tanto, após breve introdução, discute-se em detalhes a tecno-logia de formação de clusters de turismo como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento e para a sustentabilidade de um destino turístico. Após a exposição deste modelo de estruturação, internacionalmente reconhecido como eficiente, passa-se à discussão dos fundamentos da cooperação enquanto prática e filosofia para a organização de clusters de turismo. Dentro desta mesma discussão será avaliada a integração entre os três macro-elementos mais rele-vantes para a atividade em estudo que são a iniciativa privada, o poder público e a socieda-de civil organizada. Para concluir expõe-se a atitude cooperativa como força motriz e elemento de coesão e sustentação das estruturas entendidas como clusters de turismo.
Vignati, Federico; Portinho, Paulo. O papel da cooperação no desenvolvimento de arranjos produtivos de turismo. Revista Augustus – Rio de Janeiro – Vol. 07 – N. 15 – Jul./Dez. – 2002 – Semestral.